Noplit Sermsaksasitorn, DVM, Founder and Chairman of AEK Group, the country’s leading pig farm, was nominated to seat as an adviser for the next period of Pig and Related Products’ Policy Development Committee, so called Pig Board.
Pig Board is a committee, which is established in June 4, 2003, by committee on agriculture and cooperatives of the Senate. The Pig board authorizes to set the pig industry’s outlook and create industry’s system. The second is to make a closer cooperation between private sector and government. Moreover, it analyses industry’s problems and seeks the exit way to solve its problems, which are occurred in the marketing and pig product system.
Pig board consists of 17 members of which government representatives agricultural and cooperatives minister, agricultural and cooperatives permanent secretary, director-general of internal trade department, director-general of local administration department private sector representatives and four advisers, who are from specific related-fields including agriculture, law, finance, business.
Currently, Mr.Noplit is taking a position of president of Pig Business Development Association of Thailand. Previously, he was seated as president of The Swine Raisers Association of Thailand.